Electrodes, contact cream and belts

1. The replacement electrodes seem expensive to me!

The electrodes supplied by the company are in a very low price range compared to its direct competition and can be used on competing devices (check the connectors).

2. The electrodes do not stick to my skin. What is the problem?

  • Remove the protective film.
  • Moisten with a wet finger.
  • Do not apply cream which is only usable on the accessories with integrated electrodes (shorts, armbands and belt).

    3. I would like to know what the cream sold with the electromusculation devices and accessories is for? Is it only for contact?

    This gel is, due to its high water content, ideal for the conductivity of the current between the integrated electrodes of the electromusculation equipment and your skin. It avoids the small redness due to the passage of the current on and in the dermis.

    But this cream can also be used as a moisturiser!

    In addition, it is enriched with caffeine. This key element in cosmetics has proven to be really effective on unsightly dimples and other fatty tissues responsible for that orange peel effect that you ladies dread!

    Your skin is plump, taut and silky.

    4. Is the belt more effective than the electrodes alone?

    NO. The result is the same.

    5. For non-integrated electrodes, cream or no cream?

    • For the electrodes integrated in the shorts or the abdominal belt or even for the multifunctional belt, you MUST apply the cream to allow a better passage of the current and thus optimise the effect of your device.
    • To avoid any risk of allergy, test the electro-conductive cream on a small area of the skin.
    • For simple electrodes (round or rectangular) no cream is needed, just wet with water.
    • Just wet the electrode a little with your finger and it is ready to use.
    • The electrodes are consumables and should be changed approximately every 30 to 60 uses (depending on conditions of use).